♦ Who am I?

“to be” is all over the place! The name form a simplistic basis with many outcomes and fits into everything. It’s kinda a jack-of-all-trades. Like me, I ask, I got stuck with questions like what, why, when, where do you want to be?


And I want to be here, and nowhere else, the place that I always wanted it to be.

What do I want?

Design board games, write books and delve into my creativity. Join this with my technical know-how and I might add some tool, tip and trick in the future to expand my vision for the future.

I would love To Be an inspiration for others with a unique point of view, style and methods. I invite you to come along and that’s what I want in a nutshell—that’s what I want it To Be.

When does it start?

While true, ADHD and autism ain’t easy to deal with as it causes trouble in places where it hurt. It's philosophy changed my perspective. Through existential questions, keeping it nihilistic and often being a little absurd, I like to ground myself in stoic principle and build my world from those values.

With that start I begin anew and that journey starts right here.

♦ Why a board game designer?

The love for board games runs deep in the family, granted by my mother’s side. Around my fifteenth-year I same board games differently and began designing them myself. The creative hobby, with unique style and perspective, taught me many things I never knew I enjoyed. Once this sparked in my mind, I knew my new hobby was soon To Be more than just a hobby.

Where do you come from?

Born in the great silver city of Schoonhoven and moved to Den Hague for a job at Ampelmann Operation—an unforgettable opportunity I’ll never forget. After Covid I lost this dream job, and thought about what to do, where do i want To Be? When I moved into my hobby, I discovered a vaster, and far greater world.


Long story short—I got board games to design and stories to write.

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